I am Dennis Rotnov.

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Lets Talk
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Hard work.

Hard work is essential for success; without it, civilizations would not have been built. I understand that hard work is the only way to yield results, and I naturally accept any challenge and put in the extra effort and time necessary to reach my objectives.

Carefully defined goals.

I have gained comprehensive experience in setting SMART goals, establishing and tracking KPIs and key delivery areas, performing SWAT analysis, managing projects, and utilizing frameworks such as Agile, SCRUM, Lean Sigma, and efficient time management. I strive to ensure that all goals are clear and attainable.

Contenious improvement.

Contentious improvement is like adaptation in evolution. If a specie fails to adapt, it will not survive. This same principle applies to learning; to be successful, one must consistently learn new things. My classical education has given me the seasoning and knowledge to continue learning and improving.

"Classical education and diverse knowledge"

Classical education is a holistic approach to learning that seeks the flourishing of its students in mind, body, and soul. Classical education provides the traditional tools of learning – the trivium and the quadrivium – so that students learn to use these tools to become wise and virtuous leaders in all aspects of their lives.

— University Of Dallas, Braniff Graduate School.

Skills include:

I have a diverse set of skills, ranging from Science, Management, Project Management, Process Control and Product Design, to Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Research and Development, Data Science, Statistics, Web Development, Electronics and Embedded Technology.

Image of a desk with a laptop. paers and a coffee mug on it.

Hard work

I worked between 40 and 80 hours a week to reach my personal, team and corporate goals. I built a highly driven and successful team, increased on-time deliveries, yield to nearly 100%, and production by 50%.

Image of a type writer.

Defined goals

I was always encouraged to work hard, and I have taken this advice to heart. I consistently put in extra effort and time into my work, and I have never lacked drive or motivation. I thrive in challenging environments.

Image of a laptop on a desk.

Contenious improvement

Over 100 books, over 40 certifications and 4 licenses taken in the past 10 years.

Established a personal goal to learn new skill every year.